- After School Rehearsal for Combined Choir After School on Monday, March 9th until 4:00p.m. This is a required rehearsal to prepare for MPA.
- Portfolio Night is March 10 from 6-7p.m. Performers please let Mrs. Baker know on Monday who is staying until portfolio or if you are coming back for performance at 5:45pm
- Advanced Chorus Audition Form - Follow this link to audition for Advanced Chorus
- Wednesday is Early Release Day
- MPA is on Tuesday, March 17th and the schedule is slightly changed. Students will report to the Bistro to eat lunch at 11:00a.m. and then report to the bus loop at 11:30 to go to Frostproof. Make sure you have all of your things ( bookbag, homework, etc and that you bring $ for dinner.) Dinner purchases include: Pizza, Nachos, Chips, Candy or you can bring your own.
- youtu.be/rfOx4CmQWLs= Walk off the Earth Beatles Rendition
Review Solfedge
Sight Read as Ensemble
Warm Up and Focus exercises
MPA Music- Work on: Sing a Joyful New Song, The Lonely Carnarvon
1st and 2nd Will work on Refining MPA music of The Clouds and Stodola Pumpa, Sight Reading Challenge
Wednesday Listening Walk off The Earth BEatles MEdley
assessment- https://youtu.be/rfOx4CmQWLshttps://youtu.be/uhzi7Shi2H
Target: Develop Skills that are important to becoming a successful sight singer.St Learning Activities: Daily performance of new music, Warm Up- Work on Breath Control and New ways to enforce better singing posture
Knowledge and skill acquisition: Identify common patterns in major scales. You can identify them aurally through the use of solfedge
MU.68.C.2.2Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one's own or others' musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal.
MU.68.O.3.2Perform the expressive elements of a musical work indicated by the musical score and/or conductor, and transfer new knowledge and experiences to other musical works.
MU.68.O.3.1Describe how the combination of instrumentation and expressive elements in a musical work can convey a specific thought, idea, mood, and/or image.
MU.68.S.1.4Sing or play melodies by ear with support from the teacher and/or peers.
MU.68.S.2.2Transfer performance techniques from familiar to unfamiliar pieces.
MU.68.S.3.3Sight-read standard exercises and simple repertoire.
MU.68.S.3.6Develop and demonstrate efficient rehearsal strategies to apply skills and techniques.
MU.68.S.3.5Notate rhythmic phrases and/or melodies, in varying simple meters, performed by someone else.