Vocabulary: Tone, Resonance, Focus, Placement, Diction, Vowel, Consonants
Rehearsal Routine:
Warm Up
Sight Read
Music Literature
1st Period
Work on finding correct vocal placement for better tone, Work on new song, begin working on notes on Bass Clef and Grand Staff Continue working on time signatures and rhythm counting
7th Period
Vowel Placement, Intervals signing and visual identification, music for Hispanic Festival concert on 10/26
5th Period
Vowel Placement, Intervals signing and visual identification, Harrison music for fall concert and all state prep
Weekly Reminders:
Monday, September 10 Final All State Chorus Prep Session before Test #1 which is on Tuesday, September 18th. WE will finish at 3:30p.m. Reviewing. Music Prep rehearsals for those that make it past round 1 will begin September 19th ( you need your music for all state and I have practice tracks for you.)
Tuesday, September 11th: 9-11 Performance for 5th period students. Those students should wear their chorus t-shirt and jeans or uniform bottoms. We will perform between 11:15- 11:53.
Wednesday, September 12th is Early Release Day
Thursday, September 13th All Formal Concert Uniform Orders should be placed by today! If there are any problems please speak with Mrs. Baker
Friday, September 14th is Interim Day/ Spirit Day