- Formal Concert Attire: Make sure you have been fitted for formal concert attire. Dresses are ordered through the music department and guys need to go to Nathan's Menswear to be fitted and purchased there. Order forms and info will go home when we return from hurricane.( you can find them now on the forms section of the website.)
- All County Chorus Live auditions are on September 17th at Auburndale High School beginning at 5:30pm. Students who turned in their form are registered to audition and will need to be there to audition between 5:30-6:00p.m. 6th grade students are recording their auditions
- All State Chorus auditions are on September 12th at Lake Region High School. Check in is at 3:30p.m. in the cafeteria. Please make sure you leave your cell phone with your parents as they are not allowed in the testing room or at the sight singing audition.
- T-shirts are ordered and will be delivered soon.
Demonstrate proper posture and breathing to produce a characteristic sound in an ensemble setting.
Sight Read SR factory exercises
Begin working on Fall Concert music Ukuthula, Paper Cranes, Harvest Moon, Si Si Moja
Review Note Name for Quiz on Treble Clef 1st & 2nd Period
Interval review for Adv chorus aural and visual identification
Work on Concert Literature
Worksheet of the Week rhythm and solfedge review label lesson 1 on rhythm and sight singing