- 9/9 After School Prep for All State Chorus Auditions until 3:45p.m.
- 9/10 Open House 6-8pm
- 9/11 Early Release Day & Schedule
- 9/12 All State Chorus Auditions for registered students
School Test begins at 5p.m. NO LATE ENTRIES! Cell phones are not allowed in the testing or audition rooms, so have a meeting spot for your parents. You will need a chaperone as Mrs. Baker is administering the test and auditions to students and cannot supervise.
You will need: Water, 2 #2 Pencils, Patience
The written test takes around 45 minutes and begins at 5p.m. It will be graded as soon as you finish. They will give you a ticket if you pass to audition in the second round immediately following the test. In this round you will complete the sight singing round and will be notified the next day if you made it to round 3. You may leave as soon as you finish your sight singing round. (This may take a while.)
- 9/13 Interim/ Spirit Day
Vocabualy: Tone, Resonance, Focus, Placement, Diction, Vowel, Consonants
Rehearsal Routine:
Warm Up
Sight Read
Music Literature
1st & 2nd Period
Work on finding correct vocal placement for better tone, Work on new song, begin working on notes on Bass Clef and Grand Staff Quiz on Time Signatures and Notes on Treble Clef Notes on Friday!
3rd Period: Vowel Placement, Intervals signing and visual identification, Harrison music for fall concert and all state prep
Writing Reflection on Music Performance on Thursday.