Email: [email protected]
Phone: 863.440.7744 (you can call or text this number) Please make sure to tell me who you are when you call or text as I do not know every phone number.
Here are some quick links to order forms as well as information for our class.
Music T-Shirt orders are due on September 3, 2020. Here’s the link
Remind Sign Up Codes You may go directly to to join or you can text 81010 and then in the message section put the code for your class. It will not allow you to join until you respond with your name of who you are.
Text 81010 In the message put the code for your class.
Chorus 20-21 Code is: @lcma21
Assignments: Schoology will host our assignments as well as information on them. The codes to sign up will be posted once they are assigned. Supplies are a little different this year due to Covid and I will provide a supply list for each class section on a separate document.