Knowledge and skill acquisition: Recognize appropriate articulation and match note lengths with other performers.
St Learning Activities: Daily performance of concert music, Daily performance of new music, scales
HOT Questions: How is your pitch affected by dynamic changes?
Weekly Reminders:
- PTSA Choice Dress is Monday, April 24
- Talent Show Ticket Sales Mon- Wed in Gym 7:20-8:00a.m.
- Flats & Sharps Quiz Wednesday, April 26
- Quiz Live in Class Groups of 3- Gargoyles 3rd and 6th Period
- Talent Show is on Thursday, April 27th until 4:00p.m.
3rd & 6th Period: Quiz on Gargoyles 1-30 Thursday ( small group)
After School Rehearsal 4/24 until 3:45 need ride no later than 4:00p.m.
All Disney Forms due by Friday! ( 3rd & 6th Period)