LEQ: How do I prepare for a formal competition? What are the behavior expectations on stage, in the sight reading room and as an audience member?
Weekly Reminders:
Final After School Rehearsal for MPA is on Monday, February 12th until 3:55p.m. There will be a special guest in class for 2nd and 3rd period students this week.
Music Focus:
Work on Dynamics need large contrasts, Intonation measures beginning of Danny Boy, C# Extended 4th finger cellos and high 3s viola and violin, Accent Articulations in Ironclad- keep a steady tempo and don't rush the quarter note accents Rhythm and Sight Reading Exercises
Work on Phrasing and Tuning
Tempo and articulations in Ironclad and King's Court
Begin C Major 2 Octave Scale in 2nd Period
Tuesday & Thursday we are working on Solo and Ensemble in 2nd Period and there is a quiz on La Petite measures 17-25 on Thursday.
Wednesday Worksheet Listening assignment:
2nd Period Question: What did you find interesting about the video? What made it unique and how do you think the music affected them? youtu.be/0g9poWKKpbU
MPA Information: SATURDAY, Feb. 17th @ Tenoroc High School is MPA
Orchestra Music Performance Assessment Event Details 2018
Location: Tenoroc High School 4905 Saddle Creek Rd, Lakeland, FL33801
Date: Saturday, February 17, 2018
Meet Time: 3:00p.m. meet Mrs. Baker to Un-Pack & tune in the cafeteria
Dress Code: Come dressed in your formal Concert Black attire
Bring: Music, Instrument, Parents and Focus! Bass & Cello students need to bring a rockstop and basses may want to bring a stool if you want to have one to perform.
Saturday, February 17, 2018 LCMA Schedule
3:00p.m. Check in and meet in Cafeteria for tuning
3:30p.m. Warm Up Room(Closed to Parents unless chaperoning)
4:00p.m. Stage Performance (Parents are welcome to attend and watch)
4:30p.m. Sight Reading Room (Parents may watch, however, no videos, photos or talking.)
5:00p.m. Done! meet in cafeteria to pack up, get scores and go home!