How do I master rhythms and demonstrate balance and blend within the ensemble?
Rhythm and Sight Reading Exercises
Work on Phrasing and Tuning
Phrasing and musicality of measures
3rd & 8th Period
The Incredibles 1-20
Moondance 1-21
Jurassic Park 1-21
Solo and Ensemble Music
Practice Sheets are due on or before March 1st!
Beginning Orchestra
EEI Recording of Russian Folk Song pg. 34 due on Friday, Quiz on Impulse 1-20 on Friday
Monday- No School
Thursday- FSA Writes and Elective Showcase 5:30-6:30p.m. Dress for Students participating is your music shirt and jeans or uniform bottoms; Practice Sheet is due on on BEFORE Thursday!
Friday- Choice Dress for those that participated in the Showcase event