Bow Weight, Angle, Speed, Point of Contact, Down Bow, Up Bow, Slur, Staccato, Legato, Detache'
Weekly Reminders
3rd &6th Period
Monday-All Quizzes that aren't complete must be finished by end of class on Monday ( or audio emailed)
- Work on rhythms and add sixteenth notes & sixteenth rests
- Begin Palladio ( 3rd Period)
- Work on Bowing technique to solidify point of contact and slurs on Hallelujah
- Music Focus is: Beauty and the Beast, Hallelujah ( begin key change section) and Mo-Town Forever
- Sight Reading Factory Homework #3 is due no later than 5p.m. on 3/9/17
- EEI page 34- recognize key differences with C vs. D, work on tuning and bow changes
- Sight Reading Factory Homework #3 is due no later than 5p.m. on 3/9/17
- Music Focus: Fancy Fiddles 25-end, Celtic Fiddle Tune measures 1-30; Marche Oriental, End Pin Blues