October 7 3:05-3:55p.m. Need Ride by 4:00p.m.
October 15 3:05-3:55p.m. Need Ride by 4:00p.m.
October 28 3:05-3:55p.m. Need Ride by 4:00p.m.
After School All County Help Sessions from 3:05-3:55p.m. Need ride by 4:00p.m.
September 30 3:05-3:55p.m. Need Ride by 4:00p.m.
October 8 3:05-3:55p.m. Need Ride by 4:00p.m.
Pre-Screen Violin Recordings for Auditions is Oct. 16-18th See Mrs. Baker to schedule time
Characteristic qualities that make music suitable for specific occasions.
MU.68.O.3.2 Perform the expressive elements of a musical work indicated by the musical score and/or conductor, and transfer new knowledge and experiences to other musical works
Beginning Orchestra
Work on EEI pg. 25 Quiz on G Scale and Arpeggio Thursday
Work on Hiawatha measures 12-22
All County Audition Music
Begin New Song for Winter Concert
Practice sheets Begin this month
Walk the Wire reflection is due Tuesday
- Paragraph on Why Music Matters to Me is due
- Sight Read New Music
Walk the Wire Fundraising Kick-Off!
Support LCMA music department and let others know that music is important to you. There is a prize for those that meet the minimum goal by October 11th Event is on Thursday, October 24th.
Hispanic Festival Friday, Oct 11th
Beginning Orchestra: Begin Working on C Major Scale
The student will learn how to develop and articulate proper bowing techniques and articulations.
Vocabulary- Beat Pattern, Conductor, articulations, Accents, Slurs, Marcato
Rehearsal Procedures
Warm Up- Technique Focus