Combined Chorus - Chantez Alleluia & Looking Glass River:
Advanced Chorus - Ubi Caritas:
Advanced Chorus - Festival Alleluia:
Thank you for a fantastic year full of beautiful music! I will put links here for you and I challenge you to make a promotional video of what you think represents the value of singing and chorus to you! Here's a link to some of your performances this year: Combined Chorus - Chantez Alleluia & Looking Glass River: Advanced Chorus - Ubi Caritas: Advanced Chorus - Festival Alleluia: Thank you for a fantastic year! Here's a link to pictures from your spring concert 2017. Please feel free to download them. I will be adding additional pictures throughout the week.
Here is this week's schedule. Please keep in mind that you will need to be prepared to perform your performance final on Wednesday, May 24th and you will also have your written final the same day. Friday we will finish any remaining group performances.
Polk Final Exam (PFE) Testing Schedule May 22-26, 2017 Monday May 22nd ODD Days - Block Schedule 1st period 7:45-9:25 3rd period 9:28 – 10:58 5th period 11:01 -1:07 6th grade lunch 11:08-11:31 7th grade lunch 11:56 – 12:19 8th grade lunch 12:44 – 1:07 7th period 1:10 - 2:45 Tuesday, May 23rd EVEN Days - Block Schedule 2nd period 7:45-9:25 4th period 9:28 – 10:58 6th period 11:01 -1:07 6th grade lunch 11:08-11:31 7th grade lunch 11:56 – 12:19 8th grade lunch 12:44 – 1:07 8th period 1:10 - 2:45 Wednesday, May 24th ODD Days - Block Schedule 1st period 7:45-9:25 3rd period 9:28 – 10:58 5th period 11:01 -1:07 6th grade lunch 11:08-11:31 7th grade lunch 11:56 – 12:19 8th grade lunch 12:44 – 1:07 7th period 1:10 - 2:45 Thursday, May 25th EVEN Days - Block Schedule 2nd period 7:45-9:25 4th period 9:28 – 10:58 6th period 11:01 -1:07 6th grade lunch 11:08-11:31 7th grade lunch 11:56 – 12:19 8th grade lunch 12:44 – 1:07 8th period 1:10 - 2:45 Friday, May 26th Regular Bell Schedule LEQ: How do I identify key signatures? How can I enhance my performance?
Monday & Tuesday- EOY for 1st Period Students Tuesday- 5th Period Students perform at Preview Night from 4:45- 6:45 Dress is your music shirt and jeans or school shorts Wednesday- Early Release Thursday- Worksheet on Key Signatures is Due Friday- Quiz on Key Signatures on Sharp Side LEQ: How do I identify key signatures in music?
Weekly Reminders: Concert Week! Spring Concert is Thursday, May 11, 2017 and call time for chorus is in your assigned seat by 5:15p.m. Monday- Work problem sections of music; combined after school rehearsal with advanced orchestra from 2:50-3:15 for Don't Worry Bout a thing Group finale Song ( need ride at 3:15p.m.) Tuesday- Key Signature Worksheets- Introductions perfected on every song and seating assignments Wednesday- Run-Thru with accompanist Spring Concert Reminder Thursday, May 11, 2017 6:00p.m. Florida Southern College Branscomb Auditorium The Spring Concert is at Florida Southern College in Branscomb Auditorium. The concert begins at 6:00p.m. and students must be there early for tuning and warm-up. Chorus students need to be in their assigned seats NO LATER THAN 5:15p.m. This is a required event for all chorus and orchestra students. Students have assigned seats and are required to stay for the entire concert and sit in their assigned seat. Orchestra students must leave their cases in the car. Please bring your instrument &music. Leave phones, purses and jackets in the car. Their attendance and performance is a major part of their grade. The concert is free to the public and the doors will open for seating at 5:50p.m. Dress Code for Concert Chorus, Intermediate Orchestra & Advanced Orchestra Concert Black Attire (purchased through the music department), Close-toed black dress shoes No Necklaces, Bracelets or distracting earrings or hair accessories Expectations Students are expected to stay for the entire concert. Students are graded on their concert participation and their behavior before, during and after the concert. Students will: · Check in with their assigned Chaperone and go to their assigned spot. · Sit Quietly for Warm up and during the concert · Stay with their group for the entire concert · Be active listeners when others are performing Students will NOT: · Not bring cell phones, purses or jackets to their seat for the performance · Talk while others are performing or laugh at other performing groups I understand the expectation for the concert show signed to teacher by Monday, May 8, 2017 Student Signature _____________________________Parent Signature_________________________ |
July 2024