Weekly Reminders
G Scale 2 octaves pg. 76 quiz is on Thursday
Work on Rock around the Clock
Small groups of House of the Rising Sun
Begin small ensemble projects of current music
LEQ: How do I identify intervals and apply it to my music? How do I tune effectively?
Weekly Reminders G Scale 2 octaves pg. 76 quiz is on Thursday Work on Rock around the Clock Small groups of House of the Rising Sun Begin small ensemble projects of current music LEQ: What is pattern of intervals making up a major scale? How do I perform major scales?
St Learning Activities: Daily performance of new music, F Major scale Weekly Reminders Review Major Scales: F Scale Finger Pattern and performance for one octave scale Continue working on the bass guitar lines in the book, Eleanor Rigby Song Melody, Begin working on trio music of chords, melody and bass line music. Quiz on Friday on Duet of Shenandoah and F Scale ( you may complete either one during the week, but it must be completed by everyone by Friday, 1/20/17 LEQ: How do you define expressiveness in music and apply it to your music?
Test on dynamics is due on Thursday;music vocabulary study of dynamics their meaning and musical symbol; unit chord test next week Begin guitar scales- C Scale Test is on Tuesday |
August 2023