Begin Doo Wop Music Harmony Warm Ups
In the Still of the Night
Form: Intro (a) A (a a tag) B A’ (a tag) C (shoo wop shoo wah) A” (a tag’) A’’’ (a a w/ rit)
A and C Sections Chord Progression: E E c#m c#m A A B B (I I vi vi IV IV V V)
B Section Chord Progression: A A E E A am F# B (IV IV I I IV iv II V)
Original Recording Here
Boyz II Men Recording Here (this is the one our arrangement is based on)
Part Tracks Linked Here (E Major)
Duke of Earl
Form: Intro A B A B A B A’
Chord Progression for Entire Song: F# d#m B C# (I vi IV V)
Original Recording Here
Part Tracks Linked Here (F# Major, and Part III recording is sung out of tune -- sorry!!)
Target: Define expressiveness in music and apply it to your music.
Chorus- sight sing, work on solo and ensemble literature and begin MPA music,
music vocabulary study of dynamics their meaning and music.
Sight Reading Session the week: The Progressive Sight Singer
Monday: Begin Doo Wop Warm Ups, REview for Sight Reading Quiz, Sing music
Tuesday: Sight Reading Summative
Wednesday: Review Solo & Ensemble Before School due to Early Release
Thursday: Worksheet on Dynamics work on Small Ensembles
Friday: Review MPA music