- assessment of posture, breath support, tone quality, pitch matching ability
- Use journaling to identify and describe improvements made thru rehearsal and practice
- Community Service event Walk the Wire journal entry and online poster development on Google Docs due by Tuesday, November 1st, 2016- this is a graded assignment for all students
- Here are the links to your document. Make sure you fill it out for your class period:
- 1st Period and the group code is jb54iv classroom.google.com/c/MzAxMjQ2MzM0M1pa/a/MzAxNDEwMjQxOFpa/details
- 5th Period and the group code is 48z42f classroom.google.com/c/MzAzMDQwMTk1OVpa/a/MzAzMDYyNTU1OFpa/details
- 6th Period and the group code is lyqep3s
- classroom.google.com/c/MzAzMDE1MjA1NVpa/a/MzAzMDg4ODgyOFpa/details
- Walk the Wire Event is Thursday, October 27 from 2:30-5:00p.m. Music Shirt and Jeans allowed for those that are participating Pizza and drink are provided if you wish to eat more then you will need to bring extra snacks or money for Kona Ice!
- Friday, Oct 28th is Say No to Drugs Red Shirt and Jeans day
- Solo and Ensemble Registration is due by Wednesday, Nov 2
- Permission Slips for Musical is due by Wednesday, Nov 2 ( trip is on Nov 10th)
How do I begin to prepare repertoire with attention to technical, stylistic, and expressive elements to the music?
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July 2024