Vocabulary: Tone, Resonance, Focus, Placement, Diction, Vowel, Consonants
Rehearsal Routine:
Warm Up
Sight Read
Music Literature
Important Reminders for ALL Classes
- Work on finding correct vocal placement for better tone, Work on new song, begin working on notes on bass clef; 5th period is working on Intervals visual identification and aural identification
- ALL FORMAL CONCERT UNIFORMS ORDERS NEED TO BE COMPLETE BY SEPTEMBER 13th! Either purchase one through consignment aka the repeat shop or you will need to order a new one through the music department.
- Music T-shirts are ordered and will be delivered in the next 2 weeks.
- All State Chorus Prep Tuesday, September 4th until 3:30p.m.
- Thursday, September 6th is open house for parents only at 6:00p.m.