You will need:
ID Tag on Case for Instrument that Includes Name and Number on Case
Notebook either 1 inch 3 ring binder or Plastic Folder with Brad (any color)
Page Protectors
You can rent one through the music department for $26.75 per year. Or you may provide your own acoustic 6 string guitar. No electric guitars allowed. If you bring your own instrument it must have a new set of strings and be in good working condition.
In Class Guitar Purchases
· Purchase through the LCMA music department. The book costs $18.00.
· Guitar T- Shirt shirts cost $11.00 and can be purchased thru the music department.
· If you want to rent an instrument and buy a book through the LCMA department you need to write 2 separate checks made out to LCMA Music. Checks should be in a sealed envelope with your name and class period on it.
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You can also sign up for important reminders:
Text: 81010 Message: @guitarlc
Email: [email protected]