Monday: After school rehearsal until 3:45p.m. for 3rd & 8th Period- this is a required additional practice. Pick up time is 3:45p.m.
Tuesday: All County Orchestra Rehearsal at George Jenkins HS for All County members. Check in is at 5:45p.m. and you have rehearsal from 6-8p.m. Bring: Music, Pencil, Music Stand and instrument.
6&7 Grade Students are in the cafeteria; 8 &9 Grade Students are in the Auditorium
Wednesday: All School Rented Instruments MUST be at school on Wednesday for our inventory audit; make sure they are at school all day
Friday: Quiz on Knight's Quest measures 44-64 Live Quiz; Practice Sheets are due TODAY!
Target: Mastery of new section of music, slurred bowings and adding dynamics to musical phrases
Practice Focus & Reflection Week of January 28, 2019 for 3rd & 8th Period
19 Class Rehearsals until MPA- Plan accordingly!
I. Atlantic Crossing Measures 44-61
· Pay attention to the Eb and Bb accidentals in the section
· Slurred bowings, accents, ritardando @ 52 and again at 61
II. Knight’s Quest measures 44-64
· Main theme in Cello section long lyrical line work on finger pattern
· Tremolo section get the rhythm and finger pattern without the tremolo first
· Marcato style sections & accents
III. Little Symphony measures 32-47
· Key Changes to C no sharps or flats; legato bowings,
· Melody in the Viola and the Cello Section
· 38 melody moves to the violin sections
· 43 Parts are rhythmically together; bass plays half notes to all other eighth notes
Reflection Questions are due on Friday, February 1, 2019
(Use complete sentences and descriptive writing.)
1. Which section of this week’s music is more difficult for you? Please explain.
2. What musical successes have you had on the music this week? Be specific and detailed.
3. What areas are still more challenging for you to master?
2nd Period:
G Major Scale 2 Octaves; New Song Eclipsys, Page 31 on EEI book
Blues and Rock song ; Pick out solo and Ensemble music