LEQ: How can I musically prepare for Music Performance Assessment?
Monday- No School
Tuesday- After school REQUIRED 3rd and 6th Period Dress Rehearsal until 4:00p.m. Wear your concert attire to rehearsal and you need to be ready to play by 3:00p.m.
Wednesday- Sight Reading Practice Tweak Entrances of songs Work on Matrix of what's left to fix in music
Thursday- MPA run-thru in class
Saturday- MPA @ Tenoroc High School! Bring music, come dressed in concert attire with black dress shoes and black socks for men, all dresses must be hemmed.
Meet in the Cafeteria at 10:00a.m.; Performance in the auditorium at 11:30a.m.; Sight Reading in the bandroom immediately following performance 12:00-12:15p.m. Done!
2nd Period Class
LEQ: How can I learn to tune my instrument?
Work on Page 30 of EEI book Record Song for Maria on Thursday
Russian Music Box Test on measures 19-27 Wednesday