Lesson Activity/Assignment:Balance, blend, listening across the ensemble
Weekly Reminders & Goals
3rd & 6th Period Classes
Required After School Dress Rehearsal for MPA until 4:20p.m. Change and then report to Mrs. Baker's room by 2:55 on 2/6/17; Special Guest at Rehearsal
2/17 MPA at Tenoroc High School
Report to Tenoroc HS by 5:15p.m. in Cafeteria in concert attire for tuning; Stage Performance is at 7:00p.m. and we will finish at 7:30p.m.
Burst by Balmages:
Work on Dynamics, Intonation measures 33-41, Accent Articulations
Rhythm and Sight Reading Exercises
Work on Phrasing and Tuning Phrasing and musicality of measures 4-20 and clean up 1st & 2nd endings with fermatas and ritardando
Tempo and articulations in other music
Test Habanera 28-end quartets on Friday
Beginning Orchestra
EEI pg. 28-29 Work on incorporating slurs and legato bowings
record #115 Upside down
Celtic Fiddle Tune Work on Balance and articulations
Begin C Major 2 Octave Scale in 2nd Period & Improv Lessons