Bow Weight, Angle, Speed, Point of Contact, Down Bow, Up Bow, Slur, Staccato, Legato, Detache'
Weekly Reminders
Solo & Ensemble After School Practices are on Tuesday from 2:55-3:45p.m. on March 10. Solo and Ensemble is on April 4 at Winter Haven High School and the schedule will be released soon.
Portfolio Night is Tuesday, March 10th. Please let me know who is staying until it begins if you are performing. I will distribute the schedule on Monday
- Work on rhythms and add sixteenth notes & sixteenth rests
- Work on Bowing technique to solidify point of contact and slurs
- Music Focus is: Mozart Mix, How to Train your Dragon, Fly Me to The Moon and new songs will be here soon for spring concert.
- EEI pg 22-23
- Music Focus: Desert Sands 50-end, Prelude and Fugue 23-end, C Scale 2 octaves, EEI pg. 36