All classes will need:
- Students will need their instruments the second day of school
- Instrument ID Tag- Put your name, phone number and class period on the tag
- Rosin Soft Cloth
- Violins/Violas Shoulder Rest for your instrument
- Cello/Bass Rock Stop
- Plastic page protectors(25), 3 ring 1-inch binder, pencil kept in folder
- Beginning Orchestra Essential Elements Book 1
- Intermediate & Advanced Orchestra- Sound Innovations for Orchestra Book 2
- Each Supply their own tuner (phone tuners not allowed)
Please note that we will be using online materials with the Essential Elements book, and you will need to purchase a new book that includes the code of the EEI component.
Order form links are on Schoology. These shirts can be worn on spirit day and are required. Parents may purchase a shirt. T-shirt orders are due by August 22, 2024. The cost is $15.00 and payment is due with your order.
T-Shirt Order forms will be sent home the first week of school for T-shirts.
Please make sure to check out lcmamusic.com for our google calendar and information.
Parent Volunteer QR Code
Concert Dates are tentatively scheduled for:
December 10, 2024 Florida Southern College Branscomb Auditorium 6:30p.m.
February 21-22, 2025 Orchestra MPA (required for intermediate & advanced)
May 6, 2025 Florida Southern College Branscomb Auditorium 6:30p.m.
Other upcoming dates will be shared soon.
Instrument Rental
There is an option for everyone for instrument access. Please see below for what to do for getting your instrument. Please note that instruments need to come from an instrument company as some places sell VSO’s (Violin shaped objects) They look pretty, but do not play well as they cannot hold pitch to stay in tune.
Instrument Rental Options are as follows:
- Shar Music- they are open Monday-Friday 9am-6p.m. and will ship it to you.
Follow this link to open the Shar Rental Form
- Carlton’s Music they are open Monday-Friday 9am-6pm and you can fill out the order online and pick it up in the store or arrange to have it delivered to you. They also have a starter pack that includes other supplies, but you must call as they do not have it linked to their website.
Follow this link to open the Carlton’s Rental Form
- School Rental (you are still required to supply all accessories for the instrument)
Follow this link to open the School Instrument Rental Form 2024-25